How to paint aircraft roundels and markings
Italeri joins AMMO Distributions
Italeri se incorpora a AMMO Distributions.
The prestigious Italeri is the latest addition to AMMO's web page, where you can find a wide variety of aircraft, tanks and AFV scale models from the classic Italian model kit brand.
La prestigiosa Italeri es la última incorporación a la página de internet de AMMO, donde podrás encontrar una gran variedad de maquetas de aviones, carros de combate y vehículos militares de la clásica marca italiana.
How to paint a Ginger Cat city mailbox
New Ginger Cat products
Mazinger Z
The first entry of the year is dedicated to Bandai's Mazinger Z robot, which I made for the first issue of the new magazine The Weathering Technical Guide. Don't know it? Don't worry, you can check it out in The Weathering Technical Guide 01 - Metallized.
La primera entrada del año está dedicada al robot Mazinger Z de Bandai, que realicé para el primer número de la nueva revista The Weathering Technical Guide. ¿Qué no la conoces? No te preocupes, puedes consultar su contenido en The Weathering Technical Guide 01 - Metallized.
Me 163B Komet (wood wings)
Me 163B Komet (alas de madera). The latest issue of The Weathering Aircraft magazine features the process I carried out to simulate the w...